Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The hoopla over confederate rewritten history has been a big topic since the recent Flag decorated blog of a mass murdering extremist. The confederate flag was of course no more the magical cause of this than the ridiculous honors attributed to the US flag at the beginning of last decade. The real problem is than we have come to attribute magical powers to symbols. This is more or less the real meaning of the 2nd commandment. This one takes on a severely different meaning in some religions,  prohibiting pictures, drawings, and even comic strips, but I tend to believe God had some social value meaning, not personal glory in mind for all the commandments. I have come to believe the 2nd was intended to keep men from using symbols rather than reality to manage, understand and explain the world. The only power a symbol or word should be attributed is that which it means and no more nor less than that.
 Flying a flag in a certain position, or orientation, officially might constitute a lie, if it indicates an untruth with malice, and thus violate the 9th commandment. But so does the rewritten history of various confederate memorials. I grant that the obtuse perspective can often be a heart felt difference of political opinion, but discuss it in realities, not magical symbols.
 The position of both sides usually has good rational reason for taking deep rooted positions. Removing the deeply invested style of labor from the south was a hard economic pill for them to swallow. I wonder if 3/4 million deaths could have been more cheaply spared by simply purchasing the entire slave workforce away from the south. Then again we may not have had the money to afford that solution, but it is intriguing to think that violent and forcible control, for whatever moral excuse need not always be the first solution we consider.

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